is Laser Vision Correction?
Laser vision correction, most commonly in the form of LASIK, PRK, or
LASEK, is the most well-known and popular form of refractive surgery. It
is any procedure that uses a laser to reshape the cornea to reduce or
eliminate the need for contacts and glasses. LASIK, PRK, and LASEK are
common procedures, applicable to most people wearing corrective lenses,
but there have also been some recent exciting technological advances.
Wavefront LASIK (also referred to as Custom LASIK) is a highly customized
laser vision correction technique that can correct your vision more
precisely than ever before. Over 90% of people who currently wear glasses
or contact lenses for nearsightedness, farsightedness or astigmatism can
now benefit from some form of laser vision correction.
Wavefront LASIK - Wave of the Future
Originally invented by NASA for use in high-powered precision telescopes,
Wavefront technology is now available for medical use. Using a device
called an aberrometer, the doctor is able to measure the way light travels
through your entire optical pathway and compare it to the way light
travels through an optically perfect eye. This creates a WavePrint™, a 3-D
map of your cornea that is as unique to you as your fingerprint and 25
times more precise than a prescription determined with conventional
diagnostic equipment. The information from this customized "fingerprint"
is transferred electronically to the laser, enabling your eye surgeon to
guide the laser to your unique visual requirements.